I’ve finally finished the process of making, animating and editing my film!

It’s been a tiresome process, hours and hours, days and days, weeks and weeks of work, complete. At the start, I was concerned how much content I’d be able to create, worried I wouldn’t even achieve a minute. Now I’ve finished at 6 minutes 18 seconds thanks to a Snapchat montage, credits and clip of my mum dancing, but either way, I’ve animated much more than anticipated.

Looking at the final product, I’m so proud of what I’ve achieved, especially considering how I started with no idea how to go about animating or even using photoshop. I didn’t even know you could create anything but still pictures in photoshop! The film achieves what I set out to, it’s funny (I hope you’ll agree), reveals a lot about student drinking culture and has a reductive style to it.

I’m really looking forward to showing people my film, especially those who are in it. I hope they like the way I’ve depicted them and find my interpretation of their interviews funny.

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