FMP Reflection #3

Tutor Sheet 4

This week I showed Karl my animation for the first time at 3 minutes and 56 seconds. This is much longer than I’d anticipated and I’m really pleased with the outcome so far. I chose to create a montage of drunk videos, displayed in an illustrated iPhone on a Snapchat screen, created in photoshop using a screenshot from my phone. The montage works really well to elongate my film and to improve the pace, creating a breather between groups of around 2/3 animated interviews. The last montage is quite a long one, notices by myself and by Karl, and we’ve decided I need to animate a few more interviews to break this up and strengthen the fact that it is indeed an animated short film.

We spent most of our meeting considering how I will exhibit my work, something we briefly discussed last time. Since then, I’ve done a couple of sketches in terms of ideal exhibition ideas. Ideally I’de have my film in the cinema room with a display outside, but because there are an array of foundation students with films to display on a showreel, this option isn’t viable. I also considered an old CRT TV on a plinth decorated with empty bottles, fairy lights, a pair of knickers and drunk photos but because of the importance of the audio, I felt this wouldn’t work as effectively. A few people suggested headphones but because my film is a comedy, I think it’s hugely important for people not to watch it in solitary, as humour is such a social construct, we are much more likely to laugh when others are laughing. I emailed Louise and we decided to put my film on the showreel and then set up a separate screen that I can then decorate around with a sign suggesting the viewer go and fully experience the film in the cinema room.

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